Appendix H — Bash profile

There is a hidden file on your computer that is the profile for your bash terminal. If you have VS Code installed and configured as your text editor, you can open it with this:

$ code ~/.bash_profile

We’ll be adding lines to that file and then saving it. So see the changes reflected in your terminal, you have to exit and open a new one.

H.1 Shorten your terminal name

My prompt line in my terminal is really long. It looks like this:

CHRISTIANs-MacBook-Air-2:~ christian$

You can shorten it to just your login name by adding this line to your .bash_profile file, which is found in your home directory: code ~/.bash_profile should open it in VS Code so you can edit it.

# shortens prompt name
PS1='\u:\W\$ '

Now close your Terminal window and open a new one, and the prompt should be shorter, with just your username.

H.2 Hide the zsh message

Adding this to your bash_profile hides the message about changing to zsh.

# hides zsh prompt

H.3 List all long including hidden

When I want to see everything in a directory, including all the hidden files and the other details like size, date, etc., then the command is ls -al. But I put in a alias so all I have to type is ll to get that long list. Add this to your .bash_profile:

alias ll="ls -al"