Managing dates

Tutorial by: Christian Staal Bruun Overgaard, JedR trainer


Hello, young Padawan! In this tutorial we’ll look at managing dates, often using Lubridate package, which can make life easier when dealing with dates in R. In doing so, we’ll examine a dataset, scraped from, with information about the Star Wars Rebels series. I encourage you to follow along in your own R notebook! Good luck and may the force be with you!

Import data

This dataset has information about the Star Wars Rebels series. For each of the show’s 69 episodes, we have its episode number, air date, title, and season.

Note that some of the column names have spaces in them, which can make life harder. To fix it, let’s use the clean_names() function from the Janitor package:

Now, the column names are easier to work with.

Parsing dates: How to reconize dates in R

Notice that when we used the glimpse() above, we also got info about the type of each column. The episode number and season are read as dbl (“doubles, which is a number”), whereas the episode title and air date are read as chr (“characters”).

To work effectively with dates, we need R to recognize when we’re reading with dates. Do fix this, we can use lubridate’s parse date functions. In this particular dataset, the dates are written in the dmy (date-month-year) format. (If you look in the glimpse() output above, you’ll see that the first observation, for example, was: “13-Oct-14”). Let’s use lubridate’s dmy() function to create a new version of the dataset, called rebels_fix, which has a new column called air_date_fixed:

Notice that, in the chunk above, we’re just looking at the output to see that this worked as intented. See that the air_date_fixed column is being read as a date whereas the original_air_date column was read as a character? Also, we’re not saving it into a new object using the <- operator. Let’s use the <- operator operator to save our work in a new object, called rebels_cl, without the original_air_date column, which we’re not going to need:

Two key things to notice here:

  • air_date_fixed has the format date.
  • In air_date_fixed, the year is written first, followed by the month and then the day. That’s just what the date format looks like in R.

In this example, lubridate’s dmy() function came in handy. Here are some other functions we might’ve used if the dates had been formatted differently:

You can find more examples and tips in this cheatsheet.

Padawan practice: Parsing dates

Here’s a small portion of the data, called parsing_practice_df, with three columns that need to be parsed:

Each column is currently written in the character format and should be converted to the date format. Can you figure out how to do this?

Practice: Parse date1

Hint: Replace the three lines, ___ with the appropriate function.

Here, as in the two following exercises, we’re not saving the output but only displaying it. If we wanted to save it, we’d use the <- operator. Okay, see if you can solve the two following exercises, too!

Practice: Parse date2
Practice: Parse date3

Another way to parse dates

Base R also has a function to parse dates, called as.Date(), which you can read more about here.

Working with dates

Let’s now make use of our newly created air_date_fixed column to understand the data.

Which episodes were oldest or newest?

We can use the arrange() function to sort data frames based on dates.

The oldest episodes

The newest episodes

Only view episodes that aired before or after a given date

We can use the filter() function to only view episodes that aired before or after a given date:

Episodes aired in 2018 (the last year available)

Episodes that aired in February 2016

Padawan practice: using filter() with dates

Identify the episodes that aired in October 2017.

Hint: Use the filter() function to specify that you only want to include episodes that aired on October 1, 2017 or later—and also aired before November 1 the same year.

Using specific parts of a date

Which month had the most episodes (throughout the entire period)?

To answer this question, we can use Lubridate’s month() function, which allows us to focus only on months (while ignoring years). It works like this:

Here, we’re creating a new dataframe called rebels_cl_newcols. We’ll use this to add more columns later on.

It’s worth keeping in mind that “month” is now the name of a column (which we just created) and the name of a function from the lubridate package. That can be a bit confusing and it’s generally best to avoid creating object with the same names as functions.

Also, see how the newly created month column only has information about which month the episodes aired in, in this case “10” (October) for the first three observations and “11” (November) for the next four observations. If we wanted the names of the months, we can use the label = TRUE argument within the month function. Like this:

Notice that the type for month is “ord”? This means that the column is written as an “ordered factor”, which simply means (in this case) that although it looks like text, it would be ordered by time, not alphabetically. In other words, we can sort by the month column, if we want to do so:

See how it’s arranged by month?

Going back to our question about which month had the most episodes, let’s take a look:

It looks like there were lot’s of new episodes in October, November, February, and March.

As a quick aside, when we do the month labels, we can also get R to write out the full month rather than the abbreviation. Let’s look at an example:

The abbr argument defaults to TRUE, so if we don’t specific abbr = FALSE, we’d get the abbreviated version as we saw above.

Padawan practice: using the year() function

To get information about specific years, we can use the year() function, which is quite similar. Try to create a variable called year see we can check how many episodes aired in each year.

Hint: you’ll need to use the air_date_fixed column.


An alternative would be to use Lubridate’s floor_date()-function, which let’s us round date-time objects down to their nearest year, month, week, day, etc. It works like this:

Notice that the new column, month_floor, only include dates that are the first day in any given month?

Rounding the dates to their nearest year/month/week/day/etc can be helpful later on, for example when visualizing the data. Instead of round to the nearest values, we can use ceiling_date() to round up to the nearest value or round_date() to round to the closest value. In this tutorial we’ll mostly focus on floor_date() but as a future JedR Master, you should know about the other options, too!

Okay, let’s create a dataframe with four new columns, rounded by floor_date(). We’ll use this later on.

The yday() function

What if we wanted to find the earliest date within a year that an episode aired? For that purpose, we could use the yday() (year day) function, which simply tells us how many days into a year a given date is. My son and I share the same birthday (February 5). That’s the 36th day of the year:

To find the earliest episode airdate for each year, we could do this:

This shows the first-aired episode for each of the years from 2014–2018. Notice the few doppelgängers? It looks like seasons 3 and 4 started each started with a double episode.

There are few things going on in the chunk above. Here’s a quick recap of what each line does:

  • We start with our object, rebels_rounded_cols, and then …
  • We use mutate() to create a new column called dy
  • To get the dy column to specify each dates number within a year, we use yday(), and then …
  • We group_by() because we want the earliest episode within each year, and then …
  • We use slice_min() to get just the earliest episode within each year. (Otherwise, our output would all the episodes.) And then …
  • We use ungroup() to remove the grouped dy column. Not essential here but might be handy if you need to perform additional operations. And then …
  • select() let’s us show just a few columns to make the output more readable at a glance.

Plotting with dates

When working with dates it can be super useful to plot your date. This can show how things are changing over time. Let’s look at a quick example. Remember above where we used floor_date() to round all dates down to their nearest month? We can use that column to plot how many episodes that aired per month throughout the entire period.

First, let’s get the data into a more handy format.

A quick rundown of what’s happening above:

  • We’re grouping by month_fl. This is because we’re interested in the number of episodes per month. We could also have used year_fl, week_fl, or day_fl here.
  • Then we’re using the summarise function to simply count the number of episodes per month.
  • We’re storing this in a new dataframe, rebels_gs, which we’ll use below.

With that taken care of, here’s an example of how we could use ggplot to visualize it:

Here’s a quick explanation of what’s happening in the chunk above:

  • In the first line, we’re specifying the dataset (“rebels_gs”, x-variable (“month_fl”), and y-variable (“no_episodes”)
  • In the second line, we’re using geom_bar() to tell R to make a bar chart. We use the “stat = ‘identity’” arugment to clarify that we’ll be providing the values for the bars
  • In the third portion, we’re using labs() to create the title and caption. We’re using “subtitle” rather than “title” b/c it works better with the theme we’re using
  • In the fourth and final portion, we’re employing theme_fivethirtyeight() from the ggthemes package.

The end

That’s it for now, young Padawan! Good luck on your next quest, stay safe, and may the force be with you! 💪