Frequently Asked Questions

Find frequently asked questions from UT Journalism students concerning the internship process and answers with tips and tricks.

Finding an internship can be one of the most difficult parts of the process. Great news! We've compiled a table of internships where former UT Journalism students have worked for credit. While the list doesn't guarantee the internship is still in place, our hope is that the table points you toward companies and positions you can get in contact with. If that doesn't help and LinkedIn is getting old, check out this national list of annual internship and fellowship programs or visit Moody Career Services for more assistance.

The instructor of the course will review your submitted internship application and decide whether it meets the criteria to count for credit. If you want more information on the criteria prior to submitting the application, you can meet with your academic advisor or click here to view information about internships that have and have not counted in the past.

Ultimately, this is up to you. Internships can count for credit whether they are paid or unpaid, so you can decide if compensation for your work is a requirement during your job search. However, keep in mind that more than half of the internships used for this class have been unpaid. If you do insist on finding a paid internship, you will likely have to narrow the scope of your search.

Although there are many ways you could write your resume and cover letter, Moody has provided helpful guides and examples for each. Feel free to stray from the template if you feel your professional brand would be better represented that way -- there is no “right” way to write a resume or cover letter. Be sure to tailor the experiences and skills you mention in each document to the specific job you are applying for.

You will be able to complete the internship application once your prerequisites are checked and you have registered for the class. However, you should begin looking for internships as early as you can! Do some research to see when companies of interest to you typically recruit for future positions. Many companies recruit for summer internships as early as the first months of the fall semester. If you start recruiting early, you will have the best chance at securing a position.

Experience is often not a requirement for job applications, but it is almost always a consideration throughout a company’s recruiting process. If you feel you are lacking work experience, consider applying for on-campus roles to learn new skills! Check out Texas Student Media for options including The Daily Texan and Orange Magazine, organizations that can provide valuable experience to students looking for work opportunities. Be sure to check for a list of required skills in any job postings as well -- for some roles, expertise in a specific skill or area of knowledge may be more important to recruiters than past job experience.

Internship requirements include 150 work hours over the course of the semester. Typically, this means you should be engaging in about 10-15 hours a week in your internship. As far as what kind of work you should be doing, check out our list of internships that count and ones that don't. Essentially, you shouldn't be the coffee person. In order to receive credit, you need to be engaging in work that will build your journalistic portfolio and give you real world newsroom experience.

We know you're busy – trust us; we've been there. Time management is crucial in college, especially when you're balancing internships and jobs on top of school work. Check out this resource from the UT Sanger Learning Center on managing time. Create a schedule, make weekly priorities and to-do lists and be sure to give yourself time to rest.

Entering into a new internship can be scary, especially if it's your first one. We're here to help. We've compiled a list of tips to prepare you for your first day on the job and every day following. Main takeaways: Be punctual and professional, make and take hold of all opportunities and seek feedback.

This step can feel overwhelming, but don't worry! There are plenty of resources available to help you make a professional digital portfolio. Websites like Wix, WordPress and offer free sign-ups and templates for you to make into your own. After you've picked a template, consider what you want your portfolio to say about you. While keeping it professional, create it in a way that shows off your personality. It should also include your best work, a resume and a bio.

Journal entries are an opportunity for reflection on the progress of your internship. Rather than listing the tasks you've completed, use the entries as a space to answer thought-provoking questions about what you're learning. Examples of questions to ponder may include: How has this internship helped me grow? What lessons will I takeaway from this internship? What do I think of the company? Is this the type of environment I see myself in within the next 3 years? How is my work being used in the company? What problems have I faced? How have they been solved?

Just like any course, planning ahead and staying on top of deadlines is crucial for success. We've compiled a list of tips to get you started. Main takeaways: make note of deadlines and communicate those with your supervisor, stay on top of your work and put thought and effort into your weekly journals.