Appendix A — Project setup

When you create a new “Quarto Website” it creates the shell of a website with some starter pages.

For this class, you should update your project in the following ways …

A.1 Update your quarto file

Replace your _quarto.yml file with the contents below. Update the title as appropriate.

  type: website
  - "01*.qmd"
  - "*.qmd"

  title: "Short site name"
      - href: index.qmd
        text: Home
      - auto: "*.qmd"

    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css
    toc: true
    df-print: paged
    code-overflow: wrap

A.2 Data folders

Create two folders to hold your data

  • data-raw is where you store original data that you don’t want to edit or overwrite.
  • data-processed is where you save any new outputs from your notebook.

A.3 Quarto file names

Most projects will have at least three files:

  • index.qmd is the home page of your site. It should have an explanation of the project and perhaps a summary of what you’ve learned.
  • 01-cleaning.qmd is where you prepare data for analysis. Cleaned files should be output from this file as .rds files into data-processed.
  • 02-analysis.qmd is where your analysis is done. It should run independently, meaning you should start by importing the cleaned data.

You can delete the about.qmd page that is created with the default project.